web developer | musician | venue booker

I Am A Full Stack Web Developer

I am a full stack web developer with a passion for React-specific projects, databases, and music with experience in JavaScript, GatsbyJS, NextJS and React. I am currently employed as a senior software engineer at Tempo Software. Booking over 200 concerts a month while remaining extremely busy as a self-employed musician inspired me to develop my own software and automation solutions, which led me to pursue a career in web development. I bring strong skills in project management, automation, and workflow planning. I have years of experience creating and managing workflows for entire teams to manage the complexities of a music venue.

Below are a few of my projects

Mary Choueiter

A React/Gatsby app with Airtable as a CMS

  • Uses React and Gatsby to manage the front end.
  • Uses Airtable to allow the client to easily update.
  • Has auth capabilities to allow for client-only routes.

Mater Mea

A Wordpress Blogging Site

  • Uses Wordpress and Elementor for a robust blogging site.
  • Features over 600 posts.
  • Features custom post types and advanced custom fields.

Lee Fields & The Expressions

A React/Gatsby app with Airtable as a CMS

  • Uses React and Gatsby to manage the frontend.
  • Does not use any design libraries.
  • Uses Airtable to allow the client to easily update.

Aragosta At Goose Cove

A Wordpress Site For A Bed & Breakfast

  • Uses Wordpress and Elementor for a great looking site.
  • Uses WooCommerce for ECommerce functionality.

Pete's Candy Store

A Gatsby App using Airtable as a CMS

  • Uses Bulma for styling.
  • Uses Airtable as a cms to allow for any portion of the site to be updated.
  • Has auth capabilities to allow staff to update the logbook without leaving the site.